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In Defense of Soft Law Accounting Standards

In Defense of Soft Law Accounting Standards

Scholars argue that the diffusion of soft law norms throughout the European Union promotes reliable accounting practices.

How the U.S. Government Can Better Promote “Anchor” Institutions

How the U.S. Government Can Better Promote “Anchor” Institutions

New report proposes ways that the federal government can help encourage anchor institutions to revitalize communities.

Analyzing a Universal Basic Income

Analyzing a Universal Basic Income

Is a universal basic income better than unemployment insurance?

An SEC Commissioner Highlights Global Challenges to U.S. Financial Markets

An SEC Commissioner Highlights Global Challenges to U.S. Financial Markets

Speech by U.S. regulator highlights complex issues facing U.S. capital markets.

Helping the IRS Keep Track of Tax-Exempt Charitable Groups

Helping the IRS Keep Track of Tax-Exempt Charitable Groups

The GAO recommends the IRS improve oversight of tax-exempt charitable organizations.

EPA Report Finds One-Year Rise in Toxic Pollution

EPA Report Finds One-Year Rise in Toxic Pollution

Data show a fifteen percent increase in toxic chemicals released from 2012 to 2013.

Legislative Changes May Improve the Black Lung Benefits Program

Legislative Changes May Improve the Black Lung Benefits Program

Potential legislation would give coal miners greater access to medical evidence and legal counsel.

Can We Finally Fix “Too Big to Fail”?

Can We Finally Fix “Too Big to Fail”?

Recently passed House legislation would amend bankruptcy code for big banks.

Public Access to the Law Must Be Taken More Seriously

Public Access to the Law Must Be Taken More Seriously

The Office of the Federal Register has missed an opportunity to ensure meaningful public access to over 9,000 government regulations.

New Rules on Incorporated Standards Encourage Necessary Public-Private Collaboration

New Rules on Incorporated Standards Encourage Necessary Public-Private Collaboration

Incremental steps balancing open government with private copyright strike the right chord.

We Decline to Define ‘Reasonably Available’

We Decline to Define ‘Reasonably Available’

The new amendment to incorporation by reference rules leaves important issues unaddressed.

FERC Demand Response Resource Order May Be Heading to the Supreme Court

FERC Demand Response Resource Order May Be Heading to the Supreme Court

An invalidated agency order aimed at updating the power industry is seeking new life.