Senate Report Finds Strong Wall Street Influence on Commodities Markets
Legislators urge the Fed to increase oversight of large banks.
Technology Companies or Taxi Services in Disguise?
Ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft pose challenges for local regulators.
The State of Inequality in America
Federal Reserve Chair’s speech lays factual foundation for policy deliberation.
Audit Says FEMA Still Not Ready to Deliver Supplies During Emergencies
FEMA’s supply chain system might not aid disaster victims effectively, report says.
Climate Change is Getting Worse
U.N. Panel’s final report comes at a delicate inflection point for policy makers.
Plan to Build Nursing Facility Near New York School Stirs Noise Debate
Proposed amendment to New York City’s administrative code seeks to limit construction noise near schools.
The Challenge of Keeping Hazardous Consumer Products Off the Market
New audit report highlights Consumer Product Safety Commission’s struggle to respond to emerging risks.
Fed Ends Quantitative Easing
Central bank discontinues program of buying financial assets from commercial banks and returns focus to managing interest rates.
Proposed Tax Rule Would Help Domestic Abuse Survivors Get Affordable Health Coverage
IRS may make temporary healthcare tax credits permanently available to married victims of domestic abuse.
Making Student Loans More Affordable
Federal government expected to expand popular student loan repayment plan.
Improving Regulatory Agenda-Setting
Penn Program on Regulation workshop focuses on key factors shaping regulatory agendas.
Professor Coglianese to Lead New Initiative on Regulatory Excellence
Penn receives $1.2 million from Alberta Energy Regulator to lead Best-in-Class Regulator Initiative.