Supreme Court to Hear FTC Challenge to Licensing Board
Dispute over teeth-whitening regulations may expand federal antitrust authority over states.
Primary Season Poses Special Challenges for PAC Spending Reporting
FEC proposes three alternative draft rules for the transparency of multi-state primary expenditures.
The Case for Declining Discount Rates
Why current practices of regulatory analysis undervalue future benefits.
North Carolina Coal Ash Spill Renews Debate Over Delayed EPA Regulations
February spill raises question of whether coal ash requires federal regulation.
A Regulatory Vacuum in the Growing Space Launch Market
Congress limits administrative safety regulation while offering financial safety net.
Changing Risk Culture is Hard
Culture and attitudes toward risk are built into the foundations of systemically important banks.
Former Commissioner Speaks About SEC’s Role in Rapidly Changing Market
Troy A. Paredes offers his views on recent regulatory developments at a Penn seminar.
EPA Adopts Stricter Standards to Clean Up Auto Exhaust
EPA finalized new rules on sulfur in gasoline and tailpipe emissions as part of clean car program.
ConEd Invests $1 Billion in Infrastructure Resilient to Climate Change
For the first time, NY utility commission orders climate adaptation measures.
Regulation and Democracy
How the resurgence of progressivism will produce improved regulatory outcomes.
Prospects for an Interstate Cap and Trade for Greenhouse Gases
The last years of the Obama administration will determine if the EPA succeeds in implementing a cap-and-trade regime.