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“Big Four” Decision Shines Light on Regulatory Conflicts

“Big Four” Decision Shines Light on Regulatory Conflicts

International accounting firms remain stuck between Chinese and U.S. law.

Improving Regulation Requires Closer Scrutiny of Benefits

Improving Regulation Requires Closer Scrutiny of Benefits

Many regulations fail to demonstrate a need for agency action.

EPA Awards Nearly $5 Million in Grants to Study Green Infrastructure

EPA Awards Nearly $5 Million in Grants to Study Green Infrastructure

Projects will support urban stormwater management, with a focus on Philadelphia.

Unmasking Patent Trolls

Unmasking Patent Trolls

Patent and Trademark Office proposes rule that would seek to increase transparency in patent ownership.

Could Financial Services Save the Postal Service?

Could Financial Services Save the Postal Service?

Controversial new report argues that postal banking could help the underserved while boosting revenues.

Internalizing Cost-Benefit Analysis

Internalizing Cost-Benefit Analysis

Agencies can improve both regulatory analysis and decision-making by establishing internal review capacity.

Private Rules, Public Goods

Private Rules, Public Goods

New book examines agents and entrepreneurs in today’s global environmental governance.

Promoting Renewable Energy in the Federal Government

Promoting Renewable Energy in the Federal Government

Presidential memo requires agencies to obtain 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020.

Should Chemical Regulation Be Stronger?

Should Chemical Regulation Be Stronger?

West Virginia chemical spill raises question of whether better regulation is needed.

House Subcommittee Airs Debate Over “Secret Law”

House Subcommittee Airs Debate Over “Secret Law”

Public access to regulations takes center stage at congressional hearing.

The Case for Performance-Based Regulation of Food and Beverage Retailers

The Case for Performance-Based Regulation of Food and Beverage Retailers

An alternative regulatory approach could entice business to create a healthier American diet.

What is the Future for Genetic Testing and Personalized Medicine?

What is the Future for Genetic Testing and Personalized Medicine?

FDA declares personalized medicine “has clearly arrived.”