RegBlog’s Next Chapter
With the launch of a new, innovative website, continues to pursue unconventional ambitions.
The SEC’s Proposed Crowdfunding Rules Promise Benefits, Raise Concerns
Long-awaited crowdfunding rules increase funding opportunities and risk to investors.
CFPB Publishes International Money Transfer Compliance Procedures
Agency offers institutions guidance on financial regulation compliance.
Global Treaty on Mercury Signed in Japan
When ratified, new international agreement will require restricted use of mercury by 2020.
Do Regulations Kill Jobs?
PPR holds Washington workshop showcasing latest research on employment impacts.
European Parliament Divided over Proposed E-Cigarette Regulation
Final vote on proposal postponed in face of stiff opposition.
FCC Rules on Robocalls Go Into Effect
New regulations to protect consumers from telemarketers’ automatic calls.
The Case for Structural Reform
IMF study stresses need for structural bank reforms to prevent future bailouts.
Check Your Phone Bill: Are you Being “Crammed”?
FCC proposes rule designed to identify and prevent unauthorized phone charges.
Indian Supreme Court Demands Regulation of Clinical Trials
Court asks government to protect vulnerable people from poorly-run trials.
FAA Proposes Aircraft Retrofit Requirement
Some cockpit displays may fail because of Wi-Fi interference.
Pro Bono Regulations to Take Effect in New York
Bar applicants now required to complete fifty hours of service.