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Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Tool for Good Governance in Financial Regulation

Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Tool for Good Governance in Financial Regulation

Effective evaluation helps to guard against regulatory capture.

States Incorporate Changing Federal Regulation for Car Seats

States Incorporate Changing Federal Regulation for Car Seats

New dataset explores relationship between state and federal child restraint laws.

Does Regulation Work?

Does Regulation Work?

Better tools are needed to evaluate regulatory effectiveness.

FDA Clarifies the Orphan Drug Act

FDA Clarifies the Orphan Drug Act

FDA regulation seeks to encourage development of drugs for rare diseases.

The Clean Water Act Needs Positive Reform

The Clean Water Act Needs Positive Reform

House bills would roll back rather than advance progress on water quality.

Former FDIC Head Offers Prescriptions for Fixing Wall Street

Former FDIC Head Offers Prescriptions for Fixing Wall Street

In a lecture at Penn, Sheila Bair offers reforms for U.S. financial system.

Obama Administration Moves to Expand Access to Government Data

Obama Administration Moves to Expand Access to Government Data

Executive order makes open and accessible data a default government policy.

Conservatism and Scientific Data in the Climate Debate

Conservatism and Scientific Data in the Climate Debate

A viable conservative approach to environmental policy must be rooted in science.

Making a Wall Street Crime Criminal

Making a Wall Street Crime Criminal

The best way to deal with insider trading is to treat it like the crime it is.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Senate confirms NLRB nominees, FDA proposes auditing of imported foods, and more…

EPA Upgrades its Energy Star Portfolio Manager

EPA Upgrades its Energy Star Portfolio Manager

An upgraded online management system will better track buildings’ energy consumption.

Debate Ensues Over Congressional Control of Agency Rulemaking

Debate Ensues Over Congressional Control of Agency Rulemaking

Scholars debate the constitutionality–and wisdom–of the REINS Act.