Agencies May Differ from their Expert Scientific Panels
D.C. Circuit’s decision on ozone regulation has implications for science and policy in agencies.
Regulatory Entity-Centrism in Financial Services
Current focus on the entity may hamper effective regulation of the financial sector.
The Regulatory Review Announces 2013-14 Editorial Board
Incoming Board plans to spread the reach of RegBlog’s mix of regulatory news, analysis, and opinion.
States’ Varied Approaches to Fracking Regulation
Report compares thirty-one states’ regulations on hydraulic fracturing.
“Divide and Differ:” Avoiding Catastrophe in the Digital Age
Scholar suggests new strategy for improving cybersecurity.
Understanding Irredeemably Inefficient Acts
Exploring the real costs of intentional, non-consensual transfers of money.
Texas Bill Imposes Comprehensive Regulation on Abortions
New legislation will impose restrictions on abortion clinics and physicians.
The Environmental Impacts of the Built World
EPA report suggests strategies for mitigating development’s environmental effects.
Will Dueling Standards Improve Worker Safety in Bangladesh?
U.S. and European retailers have adopted two different programs to protect garment workers.