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Week in Review

Week in Review

Council designates companies as potential threats to financial stability, SEC allows hedge fund advertising, and more…

Regulating the Virtual World: A Losing Battle?

Regulating the Virtual World: A Losing Battle?

New developments in cyberspace may be challenging the state’s regulatory capabilities.

HHS Issues Another Rule on Contraceptive Mandate

HHS Issues Another Rule on Contraceptive Mandate

Agency has finally issued its new rule on contraceptive coverage.

A Flexible Approach to Cybersecurity Regulation

A Flexible Approach to Cybersecurity Regulation

Management-based regulatory delegation may create a more effective framework.

The Tennis Channel v. Comcast: Game Over?

The Tennis Channel v. Comcast: Game Over?

New opinion highlights debate over the role of antitrust law in FCC disputes.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Administration accommodates religious groups, Treasury announces delay of employer mandates, and more.

Will Proposed Federal Rule Effectively Relax Stricter State Bans on Shark Finning?

Will Proposed Federal Rule Effectively Relax Stricter State Bans on Shark Finning?

Marine agency’s proposed rule may preempt more protective state and territorial laws.

What Should the New OIRA Administrator Do?

What Should the New OIRA Administrator Do?

Now that Howard Shelanski is confirmed, he faces choices about his priorities.

Regulating by Reference

Regulating by Reference

The Regulatory Review features an examination of “incorporation by reference” by legal experts on regulation and administrative law.

Collaboration is the Key to Making the Law Free

Collaboration is the Key to Making the Law Free

Incorporation by reference should be structured to ensure both access and efficiency.

Do Lower Speed Limits Cost Society Less?

Do Lower Speed Limits Cost Society Less?

Study finds lower speed limits reduce fatal accidents and pollution levels.

Debate over OIRA’s Virtues and Vices Continues

Debate over OIRA’s Virtues and Vices Continues

Cass Sunstein and Lisa Heinzerling debate what really happens in OIRA.