
The parent category for sub-categories designated as an essay’s, “primary” category. DO NOT classify an essay as existing in this category, DO designate the essay with only one of the sub-categories AND the matching category at the root level of categories. This will allow us to display only the primary category for the story on essay’s synopsis while continuing to show it on other category pages.

What the Unified Agenda Tells Us About Regulation’s Impending Burdens

What the Unified Agenda Tells Us About Regulation’s Impending Burdens

Unified Agenda of new regulations only tells part of the story.

Penn Convenes Major Dialogue on Chinese Administrative Law

Penn Convenes Major Dialogue on Chinese Administrative Law

Leading Chinese and American scholars discuss possibilities for legal development.

Improving Drug Safety Regulation after the Meningitis Outbreak

Improving Drug Safety Regulation after the Meningitis Outbreak

Congress should provide FDA with clearer authority and increased resources.

Defense Department Amends Rules to “Match Reality” for Women in Combat

Defense Department Amends Rules to “Match Reality” for Women in Combat

Rule restricting women’s role in direct combat will be formally lifted.

Exempting Climate Mitigation from OIRA Review

Exempting Climate Mitigation from OIRA Review

EPA needs less OIRA oversight to address climate change.

A Prescription for the FDA

A Prescription for the FDA

To solve fundamental problems, food and drug safety agency must adapt.

Is Class Action Litigation a Response to Regulatory Capture?

Is Class Action Litigation a Response to Regulatory Capture?

Study finds class action lawsuits to be no more frequent in states with appointed versus elected insurance regulators

Empowering the SEC to Stop Corporate Fraud

Empowering the SEC to Stop Corporate Fraud

Scholars propose SEC response to the failure of private anti-fraud mechanisms.

The Administrative President

The Administrative President

In his second term, President Obama will seek even more policy change by influencing federal administrative agencies.

Is the Rulemaking Process Really a Quagmire?

Is the Rulemaking Process Really a Quagmire?

Scholars laud rulemaking’s efficiency, noting it takes “remarkably little time.”

Study Suggests that Public Attitudes Hinder Efficient Regulation

Study Suggests that Public Attitudes Hinder Efficient Regulation

Most Americans do not understand the economics behind good regulatory policy.

Media, Polarization, and Regulatory Politics

Media, Polarization, and Regulatory Politics

Research highlights correlation between partisan media and a polarized public.