The Inextricable Nexus of Energy and Water Resources
GAO advocates coordinated regulation of water and energy sectors.
Extending White House Review over Independent Agencies
Senate bill could shake up administrative law in theory if not in practice.
CFPB Examines Obstacles to Repayment of Private Student Loans
Report finds similarity between complaints by student borrowers and mortgagors.
States Face Critical Health Reform Deadline
States must decide whether they will create their own insurance exchanges.
Finance Experts Discuss Future of U.S. Housing System
Penn panel focuses on current housing finance regulatory issues.
FDA Further Appeals Loss over Graphic Tobacco Packages Regulation
Agency seeks further review of lower court decision on graphic warnings rule.
FERC Proposes Rule to Improve the Reliability of the Power Grid
Proposed rule intended to enhance power grid’s ability to withstand solar storms.
Regulation on Election Day
Regulation remains a divisive–and perhaps a decisive–issue in today’s election.
States Waiting to Decide on Medicaid Expansion
Majority of states appear to be waiting until after next week’s election.
Protecting Privacy in DNA Sequencing
President’s Bioethics Commission recommends self-regulation and government oversight.