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The First Step: Let’s Kill All the Regulations

The First Step: Let’s Kill All the Regulations

Romney’s strongest reform proposals would dramatically change regulation in the U.S.

Strong Politics, Weak Prospects

Strong Politics, Weak Prospects

Romney’s plan is a promising political statement, but its practical suggestions fall short.

Romney’s Regulatory Policy?

Romney’s Regulatory Policy?

Romney’s plan appears to propose impractical solutions for questionable problems.

From Rhetoric to Action

From Rhetoric to Action

Presidential nominee Mitt Romney would need congressional support for his regulatory reform proposals.

Romney’s Regulatory Plan

Romney’s Regulatory Plan

The Regulatory Review’s five-part series on Romney’s regulatory plan features unique commentary by legal experts on regulation and administrative law.

Romney’s Regulatory Agenda – Right Turn?

Romney’s Regulatory Agenda – Right Turn?

Romney’s proposals could be productive changes to regulatory review policy.

Obamacare and Federalism’s Tug of War Within

Obamacare and Federalism’s Tug of War Within

A theory of “balanced federalism” may advance the federalism debate over health care reform.

What is it Like to be a Regulatory Practitioner?

What is it Like to be a Regulatory Practitioner?

Regulatory law gives you an appreciation of how the world works.

Working with Regulatory Agencies

Working with Regulatory Agencies

Understanding that policy-making is ultimately idea-driven leads to solutions for regulatory problems.

Understanding the Regulatory Process

Understanding the Regulatory Process

Regulation is a rewarding, intellectually challenging field of law.

Congressional Hearing Highlights EPA Oversight of Hydraulic Fracturing

Congressional Hearing Highlights EPA Oversight of Hydraulic Fracturing

House subcommittee hears economic and health arguments about fracking.

Hydrokinetics: Generating Power from Water

Hydrokinetics: Generating Power from Water

Congress and FERC act to promote the development of hydrokinetic power.