Senate Fails to Overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules
New “open Internet” regulations survive congressional challenge.
Scientific Knowledge and Attitudes on Climate Change
PPR seminar discusses cultural causes of controversy.
China’s Finance Ministry Permits Local Municipal Bond Offerings
Trial program hopes to address local government debt problems.
EPA Enters the Fracking Fray
Agency plans to study treatment of fracking water and propose regulatory standards.
Regulatory Failure and the Gulf Oil Disaster
A Penn Program on Regulation seminar examines agency design.
NSTC Issues Report on Government Involvement in Standards Development
Agencies should aim to support, not lead the development of technological standards, except in specific instances.
Activists Raise Concerns about Enforcement of UK Bribery Act
Initial conviction under new law may not stem criticisms of government enforcement policies.
DOE Keeps Its Electricity Transmission Siting Authority
DOE decides not to give FERC transmission line siting power under the Federal Power Act.
“Deference” is Too Confusing – Let’s Call Them “Chevron Space” and “Skidmore Weight”
Distinct concepts clarify judicial review of U.S. agency decision making.
Regulating Telecommunications Networks
Recent book proposes critical framework for analyzing and regulating networks.