Inspector General Criticizes EPA’s Procedural Steps in Greenhouse Gas Endangerment Finding
OIG criticizes aspects of the peer review process used by EPA to develop an internal report on climate change pollutants.
NSF and White House Address Work-Life Balance for Scientists
Agency initiative aims to retain more women in STEM fields.
HHS Awards Grants to Combat Skyrocketing Health Insurance Premiums
$109 million awarded to help state review programs.
CMS Issues Guidance on Same-Sex Partners as Patient Representatives
Hospitals cannot discriminate against same-sex domestic partners as representatives for incapacitated patients.
DEA Plans Ban on “Bath Salts” and “Plant Food”
Agency intends to prohibit the sale of synthetic stimulants, at least temporarily.
What Can We Learn From the Unified Regulatory Agenda?
Semiannual government report speaks to timely debate over federal regulations.
FCC Repeals the Fairness Doctrine and Other Regulations
Repeal follows Commission’s announced plan to remove rules that are out of date.
PPR Hosts Conference on U.S. Regulation Crisis
Leading scholars analyze whether regulation has suffered a breakdown.
House Holds Hearing on the Impact of an EU Privacy Regulation
European privacy protection raises questions about optimal level of regulation.
White House Actions on Regulatory Reform Do Not Match Its Rhetoric
The Obama Administration has only insignificantly lightened regulatory burdens.
European Court of Justice Fails to Scrutinize Precautionary Principle
A recent judgment undermines legitimacy in risk regulation.
Petition Calls for Reform of FDA Regulation of Generic Drug Labels
Advocacy group petitions agency to let generic drug manufacturers update labels.