Google, Microsoft, and Monopoly Probe: Does Attitude Mean Anything?
Corporate culture affects how antitrust regulators and judges perceive the actions of corporations.
Senate Judiciary Committee Discusses the Electronic Communications Privacy Act
Agencies disagree over how to balance between privacy and crime-fighting.
President Obama Wins Praise from Business
The President reaches out to the business community in an effort to stake out a middle ground.
International Linkage of National Climate Change Policies
Regulation of greenhouse gas emissions may proceed by linking together multiple national cap-and-trade systems.
Regulatory Agencies Plan for Federal Government Shutdown
Agencies show how they would react to a funding hiatus.
Washington D.C. Plans to Overhaul Its Zoning Code
Washington, D.C. seeks to promote environmental sustainability by updating zoning code.
Japan’s Nuclear Disaster Generates Debate Over American Preparedness
Lawmakers study the nuclear disaster in Japan and debate the necessity of improvements to American nuclear safety.
Debate Heats Up Over Regulation’s Costs to the Economy
State and federal policymakers are scrutinizing regulations for the costs they may impose on the recovering economy.
The Dodd-Frank Dilemma
Law gives regulators more responsibility, so agencies need to keep new regulations simple and find ways to attract talented staff.
Preemption of Vaccine Injury Lawsuits Upheld
The Supreme Court decides that federal statutes preempt state lawsuits over vaccinations.
FTC Loses Bid to Block Labcorp-Westcliff Merger
Two clinical testing laboratories may now merge after judges reject the FTC’s arguments for blocking the merger.
FDA Grants Hearing on Proposed Withdrawal of Marketing Approval for Avastin
The FDA proposes to withdraw approval for a breast cancer treatment, with hearing scheduled for June.