Why “Big Data” Is a Big Deal
The ongoing Google antitrust trial could shape the future role of big data in digital markets and artificial intelligence.
The Future of Title IX Regulation
Experts recommend various reforms of Title IX regulations to protect against harassment of students.
Cleaning Up “Clean” Food Labeling
Scholars propose avenues to improving the regulation of clean food labels.
USDA Seeks to Expand Free School Meals
Federal food program proposes increasing eligibility for school breakfast and lunch subsidies.
Regulating Facial Recognition
Scholar argues that public attitudes about facial recognition tools should inform governmental use of the technology.
Let Us Not Raise a Ruckus Over Net Neutrality
FCC Chair Rosenworcel should reconsider her messaging about the role of public comments in the new net neutrality proceeding.
Fortifying Modern International Regulation
Jean Galbraith discusses the role international law plays in solving shared issues.
Reforming U.S. Visa Programs for Foreign Workers
U.S. immigration agency proposes new rule to address problems with temporary work visas.
Modern Romance Hinges on Dating App Self-Regulation
Scholar proposes that the dating app industry adopt a self-regulatory model to promote user safety.
The Dark Side of EURODAC
Scholar warns that the European Union’s biometric data collection of asylum seekers criminalizes immigration.
The Fatal Flaws in the “Abortion Pill” Decision
By second-guessing FDA safety determinations, the Fifth Circuit challenges the Supreme Court to restore agency deference.