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The Fatal Flaws in the “Abortion Pill” Decision

The Fatal Flaws in the “Abortion Pill” Decision

By second-guessing FDA safety determinations, the Fifth Circuit challenges the Supreme Court to restore agency deference.

Putting Sidewalks Front and Center

Putting Sidewalks Front and Center

Scholars debate how best to regulate to create safe and accessible sidewalks.

Small-Scale Solutions to the Large-Scale Drug Crisis

Small-Scale Solutions to the Large-Scale Drug Crisis

Expert advocates a variety of policies that local governments can take to combat increasing fatalities from drug overdoses.

Private Enforcement of Corporate Climate Pledges

Private Enforcement of Corporate Climate Pledges

Scholars propose a new means of holding corporations accountable for emissions reduction pledges.

Inside the EU’s Ambitious Anti-Deforestation Regulation

Inside the EU’s Ambitious Anti-Deforestation Regulation

An EU law requiring deforestation-free exports could impact economies and ecologies around the world.

How Patents Contribute to High Drug Prices

How Patents Contribute to High Drug Prices

Patents covering drugs selected for Medicare price negotiation show how patents influence drug prices.

Ensuring Education Is Worth the Cost

Ensuring Education Is Worth the Cost

Regulatory efforts to help students identify cost-effective education programs meet mixed responses.

Designing the New Digital Dollar

Designing the New Digital Dollar

Scholar evaluates ways to structure and regulate retail CBDCs to promote consumer protection.

Promoting Best Practices for U.S. Regulatory Analysis

Promoting Best Practices for U.S. Regulatory Analysis

Benefit-cost analysis experts advocate changes to a draft update of OMB Circular A-4.

Supplementing Dietary Supplement Regulation

Supplementing Dietary Supplement Regulation

Experts recommend measures to improve the regulation of dietary supplements.

Assessing Algorithms for Public Good

Assessing Algorithms for Public Good

Requiring algorithmic impact assessments would promote responsible decision-making and inform future policies.

New Technology Requires New Regulatory Ambitions

New Technology Requires New Regulatory Ambitions

In the face of new technologies, a nonprofit auto safety body provides an institutional model for elevating public protection ambitions.