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Can Emotional Support Animals Be Service Animals?

Can Emotional Support Animals Be Service Animals?

Scholars discuss how individuals experiencing mental health issues should access emotional support animals.

The Doomed Quest for Individual Privacy

The Doomed Quest for Individual Privacy

Scholar argues that relying primarily on rights to protect privacy will fail to empower individuals or counter societal harms.

Germany’s Success in Community Development

Germany’s Success in Community Development

German models of communal housing development may offer solutions to U.S. housing problems.

Supercharging Electric Grid Interconnection

Supercharging Electric Grid Interconnection

FERC publishes final rule aimed at expediting the interconnection of new power plants.

Does the Constitution Require Agencies to Use Biased Judges?

Does the Constitution Require Agencies to Use Biased Judges?

The Supreme Court should uphold longstanding legislation protecting the neutrality of administrative law judges.

Who Favors Making ALJs At-Will Employees?

Who Favors Making ALJs At-Will Employees?

An upcoming Supreme Court case highlights why businesses and individuals favor for-cause protection for administrative law judges.

Freedom and Fairness in the Gig Economy

Freedom and Fairness in the Gig Economy

The regulatory fight over gig worker classification enters a new phase.

Decrypting Deception in the NFT Market

Decrypting Deception in the NFT Market

Scholars argue for regulatory intervention to protect consumers from NFT minting companies’ deceptive practices.

The Underused Field for Clean Energy

The Underused Field for Clean Energy

Congress and agencies should make better use of land use authorities to meet clean energy goals.

Business Intimidation in the Rulemaking Process

Business Intimidation in the Rulemaking Process

Scholars reveal how businesses lobbying can intimidate agencies and influence rulemaking.

OpenAI Investigation Puts AI Companies on Notice

OpenAI Investigation Puts AI Companies on Notice

The FTC’s investigation of ChatGPT may shed light on how consumer protection law applies to artificial intelligence.

Scarcity Issues in Water Rights

Scarcity Issues in Water Rights

Scholars explore the regulatory issues surrounding water rights nationally and internationally.