Designing a Regulatory Check on Autonomous Vehicles
Scholar urges Congress to direct the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to regulate self-driving cars.
The Supreme Court and the Future of the Internet
Upcoming Supreme Court decisions may reshape the legal risks facing tech companies.
Reviewing the Regulation of Fake Reviews
Experts examine consumer protection regulations to prevent fake online reviews.
School Transportation and Educational Equity
School transportation resources must increase to achieve mobility justice.
Sustainable Transportation for Rural Communities
Regulators must redress transportation inequities in rural and disadvantaged communities.
Opening the Skies to Passengers Who Use Wheelchairs
Airline transportation needs to address accessibility issues for passengers with disabilities.
Mobility Justice
Experts discuss how regulators can make transportation systems more accessible and just.
Disability and the Right to Move in the World
Current regulations limit accessibility of air travel to people with disabilities.
Making Stablecoins More Stable
Scholar emphasizes the need for regulatory safeguards for stablecoins.
Leaving Broker Inducements Behind
Scholar presents defenses that the SEC may use to legitimize restrictions on broker inducements.
EPA Finds Evidence of Racial Discrimination in Cancer Alley
Black Louisiana residents have been disproportionately burdened by hazardous industrial air pollutants.
Recentering the Federal Reserve’s Removal Power
Scholars advocate the greater exercise of the Fed’s unique removal power.