
The parent category for sub-categories designated as an essay’s, “primary” category. DO NOT classify an essay as existing in this category, DO designate the essay with only one of the sub-categories AND the matching category at the root level of categories. This will allow us to display only the primary category for the story on essay’s synopsis while continuing to show it on other category pages.

Putting a Stop to Corporate Political Spending

Putting a Stop to Corporate Political Spending

Legal experts argue that corporate political spending harms both shareholders and management.

Regulating Teacher Credentialing to Benefit English Learners

Regulating Teacher Credentialing to Benefit English Learners

Scholars argue that the decentralization of teacher credentialing negatively affects English learners.

Let There Be Darkness

Let There Be Darkness

Scholar argues for federal action to tamp down on increasing light pollution.

Noncompete Agreements and Antitrust’s Rule of Reason

Noncompete Agreements and Antitrust’s Rule of Reason

The Federal Trade Commission should develop a nuanced approach to employee noncompete agreements.

(Un)Equal Pay for Equal Work

(Un)Equal Pay for Equal Work

Scholars examine regulatory approaches to achieving pay equity.

Enforcing Net-Zero Goals

Enforcing Net-Zero Goals

Scholar calls for greater oversight and enforcement of corporate net-zero carbon emissions pledges.

Rapid Responses to Major Questions

Rapid Responses to Major Questions

Scholar proposes a new fast-track legislative procedure to affirm agency regulatory authority.

How to Delegate Authority for Climate Action

How to Delegate Authority for Climate Action

Scholar advocates the use of foreign policy authority for executive branch climate action.

DNA Testing is Not “Just Saliva”

DNA Testing is Not “Just Saliva”

To protect consumers, governments should step in to address the risks of DNA testing.

Regulating the Metaverse

Regulating the Metaverse

In this week’s Saturday Seminar, experts propose methods for regulating the metaverse.

The Inequality of Fintech

The Inequality of Fintech

Scholars argue that regulators should act now to prevent fintech from exacerbating wealth inequality.

The Consequences of a Subminimum Wage

The Consequences of a Subminimum Wage

Debate ensues over the consequences of eliminating an exemption to the federal minimum wage for tipped employees.