SEC Proposes Private Fund Reform to Protect Investors
A U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission proposal to enhance the regulation of private fund advisers receives critical comments.
Compelled Climate Speech
The SEC’s proposed rule on climate disclosures could run afoul of the First Amendment.
Consumer Protection on the Chopping Block?
Recent court decision may threaten the future existence of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Putting the U.S. Administrative Procedure Act in Perspective
Efforts to modernize the APA should be approached with caution.
Perils of Comparative Administrative Law
Textualism represents a dangerous temptation for comparative analysis of administrative procedure.
Regulating Supervised Consumption Services
Experts discuss the role of regulations in monitoring experimental overdose prevention programs.
Administrative Procedure Acts in Latin America
Administrative law faces unique challenges in Latin American “paper leviathans.”
Policymaking Accountability and the Emerging Authoritarian State
Changing norms about administrative appointments raise concerns about procedural fairness and accountability.
Policymaking Accountability in Nation States and International Bodies
Robust efforts to include the public in rulemaking are key to increasing democratic accountability.
Administrative Procedure in Europe
Comparative law scholars uncover similarities and differences in administrative procedure across Europe.
Administrative Law in Comparative Perspective
Around the world, administrative law promises to promote effective and legitimate government.
Fixing FERPA to Protect Marginalized Students
Scholars examine the direct harms to students caused by gaps in FERPA.