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Limiting the Power of Police in Schools

Limiting the Power of Police in Schools

A legal scholar advocates the removal—rather than the increased regulation—of police forces from schools.

Supreme Illegitimacy

Supreme Illegitimacy

A terrible trio of Supreme Court cases from last term illustrates the need for judicial reform, which can occur through several options.

Boosting Rail Competition

Boosting Rail Competition

To ease inflation and supply chain issues, regulators should allow reciprocal switching among railroad networks.

Mitigating Algorithmic Harms

Mitigating Algorithmic Harms

Scholars discuss how regulation could shape the impact of data privacy and technology on marginalized communities.

Auditor Highlights Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Failure

Auditor Highlights Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Failure

A Government Accountability Office report finds that deregulatory executive orders had limited effects.

The Political Underpinnings of U.S. Foreign Investment Policy

The Political Underpinnings of U.S. Foreign Investment Policy

A recent federal report reveals the effects of increased scrutiny of foreign investment in the United States.

Can Courts Stop Hearing Processes Where the Agency Always Wins?

Can Courts Stop Hearing Processes Where the Agency Always Wins?

The Supreme Court will hear an important challenge to agency decision-making.

Walmart Threads the Needle on Separation-of-Powers Remedies

Walmart Threads the Needle on Separation-of-Powers Remedies

Walmart challenges the constitutionality of the FTC’s power to seek monetary or injunctive relief.

Matching Dating Apps with Regulation

Matching Dating Apps with Regulation

In this week’s Saturday Seminar, experts discuss ways to hold dating applications accountable for user privacy and online harassment.

Targeting Families to Regulate Migration

Targeting Families to Regulate Migration

Scholars argue the United States continues to target families as part of its immigration enforcement.

Seeking Structural Remedies for Corporate Recidivists

Seeking Structural Remedies for Corporate Recidivists

To curb repeat violations, federal regulators should seek remedies that change businesses’ structures or alter their incentives.

International Condemnation of Russian Nuclear Occupation

International Condemnation of Russian Nuclear Occupation

International nuclear oversight body condemns Russia for occupation of nuclear power plant and demands immediate withdrawal.