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Private Standards and the Benzene Case

Private Standards and the Benzene Case

A classic Supreme Court case highlights the impact and importance of private standards for regulated entities.

Digital Privacy in the Post-Dobbs Landscape

Digital Privacy in the Post-Dobbs Landscape

Following the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, experts discuss abortion-related data privacy concerns.

Incorporated Standards in a Federal System

Incorporated Standards in a Federal System

When state and local officials incorporate voluntary codes and standards, they still need to watch out for federal preemption.

Introducing Incorporation by Reference

Introducing Incorporation by Reference

Incorporation by reference demonstrates how private and public actors collaborate to create modern regulation.

Teaching Standard Essential Patents

Teaching Standard Essential Patents

In-depth course module opens the door for law students to the increasingly vital world of voluntary standards.

Law’s Interaction with Voluntary Codes and Standards

Law’s Interaction with Voluntary Codes and Standards

Voluntary codes and standards affect many important aspects of the law and the legal system.

The Penn Program on Regulation launches a new curricular resource site that showcases the importance of voluntary codes and standards.

Why the SEC is Wrong About Implied Preclusion

Why the SEC is Wrong About Implied Preclusion

Federal securities regulators should not use implied preclusion to shield themselves from constitutional challenge.

Hallucinate, Medicate, and Regulate

Hallucinate, Medicate, and Regulate

In this week’s Saturday Seminar, experts discuss ways to regulate psychedelics for medicinal use.

Subdelegating Authority in the Executive Branch

Subdelegating Authority in the Executive Branch

Scholars argue that career officials in the executive branch have significant decision-making power.

Regulating Alcohol Out of the Driver’s Seat

Regulating Alcohol Out of the Driver’s Seat

Utah’s reduced blood alcohol concentration limit sees reduction in drunk driving-related deaths.

Nonprofit Hospital Standards Under Fire

Nonprofit Hospital Standards Under Fire

Research shows that nonprofit hospitals may not be fulfilling the obligations of their tax-exempt status