Funding Climate Change Efforts
Scholars discuss regulatory options to fund climate-related initiatives.
Updating the Congressional Review Act
Congress should modify the Congressional Review Act to enhance clarity and improve oversight of agencies.
Public Access to Agency Adjudicative Proceedings
Agencies should craft rules about public access to their adjudicative proceedings.
Regulating Representatives in Agency Adjudicative Proceedings
Agencies can promote ethical practices by adopting rules of conduct for attorneys and other representatives in adjudication.
Cryptocurrency and the Climate Crisis
Proponents of crypto must demonstrate that its value to society exceeds its significant environmental costs.
Celebrating Our 2021-2022 Editorial Board
Congratulations and thank you to The Regulatory Review’s 2021-2022 Editorial Board.
Making Inoperative Guidance Accessible to All
Even when agencies change or rescind guidance documents, they should be clearly labeled and readily available to the public.
Improving Transparency and Administrative Accountability
ACUS issues recommendations to improve administrative governance.
Solving the Problem of Prison Gerrymandering
The U.S. Census Bureau should count incarcerated people where they are from—not where they are incarcerated.
Giving the Power of Preemption to Private Business
Florida lawmakers create a pathway for companies to challenge local regulations that affect profits.
Addressing an Algorithmic PATTERN of Bias
The Justice Department pledges to address racial bias in an algorithm that determines early release.