Digital Versus Human Algorithms
In deciding to use artificial intelligence, the key question for administrators is a comparative one.
Last Federal Mask Mandate Standing
A federal judge rules CDC cannot require travelers to wear masks on airplanes or public transportation.
An Outer Space Perspective on Climate Change
In this Saturday Seminar, we collect scholarship on using space technology governance to fight climate change.
Forcing Marginalized Communities to Compete
Scholar argues that pension fund managers have pitted vulnerable retirees against marginalized communities.
Help International Medical Graduates Help Us
In the United States, immigration and administrative barriers hinder a valuable supply of health care workers.
The Regulation of Black Families
The United States should replace its current family surveillance system with one that improves children’s welfare.
The False Promise of “Third-Category” Worker Laws
Proposition 22 and similar laws exacerbate workforce inequalities.
How Agencies Can Better Regulate for Racial Justice
The federal government should promote racial equity assessments, equity planning, and audits.
Regulatory Opportunities for U.S. Workforce Development
In this week’s Saturday Seminar, we collect recent scholarship on U.S. workforce development.
How the Carceral State Punishes Survivors
Survivors of color who report domestic violence and sexual assault risk exposure to further harm.
Ending the Racial Housing Gap
Regulators should require banks to lend to Black homebuyers to remedy centuries of discrimination.
Priorities and the State of Implicit Bias in Crimmigration
Written immigration enforcement priorities might promote transparency but still might not address inequities.