Watchdog Highlights Challenges of Medicare Payment Program
Congressional accountability office reviews first three years of value-based health care program.
Algorithmic Safeguards For the People and By the People
The White House seeks public input on a “bill of rights for an automated society.”
An Electric Solution for Low-Income Residents
Federal programs should better protect low-income residents from rising energy costs.
Vaccine Mandates and Roads Not Taken
Another regulatory approach to mandate vaccines could have withstood judicial scrutiny.
Regulating the Defense Industry’s Revolving Door
GAO recommends the U.S. Department of Defense amend regulations restricting lobbying by former personnel.
Threatening Chevron Deference Threatens Government as a Whole
Scholar argues that overruling deference to agencies will constrain U.S. government action.
Ending the Virtual School-to-Prison Pipeline
Civil rights attorney examines legal issues presented by virtual school disciplinary policies.
The Biden-Harris Administration’s Racial Equity Efforts
Although much more work remains, the current Administration has made historic progress in advancing equity.
Unlocking the Potential Between Blockchain and Antitrust
The tech and legal communities should recognize the complementary nature of antitrust law and blockchain.
Regulating to Achieve Environmental Justice
Scholars propose novel measures to achieve environmental justice for all.