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Regulating Plastic Bags

Regulating Plastic Bags

Scholars discuss policy options for regulating single-use plastic bags.

High Hopes for FDA Regulation of CBD Products

High Hopes for FDA Regulation of CBD Products

FDA regulation of CBD products faces new challenges as the market develops.

Managing Mass Comment “Supply” by Reducing “Demand”

Managing Mass Comment “Supply” by Reducing “Demand”

Alternative agency outreach methods can garner useful feedback and reduce pressure on the notice and comment process.

Robots Reviewing Agency Rules

Robots Reviewing Agency Rules

Scholar warns that using artificial intelligence to revise agency rules may compromise democratic ideals.

Mass Comments Should Be Discouraged

Mass Comments Should Be Discouraged

ACUS should discourage the submission of mass comments in the notice and comment rulemaking process.

Shifting Mandated Reporting Laws From Family Surveillance to Assistance

Shifting Mandated Reporting Laws From Family Surveillance to Assistance

Scholars advocate revising mandated reporting requirements for school employees.

Preventing Mass Comment Wars

Preventing Mass Comment Wars

Agencies can welcome public participation while discouraging the submission of mass comments.

Mass Comments and the Revival of Apolitical Expertise

Mass Comments and the Revival of Apolitical Expertise

Mass comments policy should consider agencies’ roles as apolitical policymakers.

Mass Comments in Administrative Rulemaking

Mass Comments in Administrative Rulemaking

Experts consider the value of mass comment campaigns during notice-and-comment rulemaking.

Regulating Charter School Quality

Regulating Charter School Quality

Scholars analyze variations in the regulation of charter school quality across states.

Could Biometric Tracking Harm Workers?

Could Biometric Tracking Harm Workers?

Expert urges regulators to restrict how companies can access and use employee health data.

The Forgotten Cities

The Forgotten Cities

Scholars criticize regulatory decisions that funneled economic growth away from inland cities.