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The Space Debris Race

The Space Debris Race

Scholar evaluates options to strengthen international space debris regulations.

Value-Pricing Prescription Drugs

Value-Pricing Prescription Drugs

Scholar argues that reducing pricing for prescription drugs may increase innovation.

Making Utility Assistance to Low-Income Households More Effective

Making Utility Assistance to Low-Income Households More Effective

Regulators can engage in smart policymaking to make utility services affordable for low-income households.

Limiting Interest Rates Without Limiting Access to Credit

Limiting Interest Rates Without Limiting Access to Credit

Setting caps on interest rates can lead to unintended, negative consequences for borrowers.

Understanding the Business of Corporate Board Diversity

Understanding the Business of Corporate Board Diversity

Experts discuss the benefits of diversifying corporate boards of directors.

The APA’s Antidiscrimination Failure

The APA’s Antidiscrimination Failure

Scholars explain how courts have interpreted the Administrative Procedure Act to overlook racial discrimination.

A Local Lens on Administrative Law

A Local Lens on Administrative Law

Scholar brings the focus of administrative law to the level of municipal government.

Regulating the Sale and Use of Hidden Cameras

Regulating the Sale and Use of Hidden Cameras

Regulators should restrict the sale and access of covert cameras but not ban them outright.

Toxic Floods Create Pressing Regulatory Needs

Toxic Floods Create Pressing Regulatory Needs

Scholar argues that existing chemical safety regulations fail to prevent hazardous material spills during floods.

Returning Morality to Small Dollar Lending

Returning Morality to Small Dollar Lending

Scholar argues that policymakers should reexamine usury laws and introduce public banking to combat payday lending.

Can Ethical Certification Prevent Food Fraud?

Can Ethical Certification Prevent Food Fraud?

Food certification organizations, if backed with criminal sanctions, can help deter food fraud.

Regulatory Comments and the Major Questions Doctrine

Regulatory Comments and the Major Questions Doctrine

Courts should not rely on the number of public comments to assess the legality of regulations.