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The Supreme Court’s “Exceptional” Term

The Supreme Court’s “Exceptional” Term

Several of the Supreme Court’s recent decisions bolster agency power to alleviate regulatory obligations.

The Supreme Court’s 2020-2021 Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s 2020-2021 Regulatory Term

Scholars discuss some of the Court’s most significant regulatory decisions.

Regulating Drugs at a Discount

Regulating Drugs at a Discount

Scholars examine the effectiveness of the contentious 340B Drug Pricing Program.

Should Regulatory Violations Ever Be Criminal Offenses?

Should Regulatory Violations Ever Be Criminal Offenses?

Scholar argues that delegation of criminal authority is less dangerous to the public than critics claim.

Reversing a Midnight Expansion of the Death Penalty

Reversing a Midnight Expansion of the Death Penalty

The Biden Administration is expected to withdraw last-minute Trump Administration death penalty regulation.

Administrative Control and Consumer Exploitation in Standard Form Contracts

Administrative Control and Consumer Exploitation in Standard Form Contracts

Agencies should scrutinize one-sided terms in standard form contracts to ensure consumer protection.

What Is the Future of Social Media Regulation?

What Is the Future of Social Media Regulation?

Justice Thomas signals the potential for regulation of social media platforms and their power over speech.

Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault

Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault

Experts address how changing Title IX policies on campus sexual assault impact students.

The Big Apple’s Big Squeeze on Pollution and Landlords

The Big Apple’s Big Squeeze on Pollution and Landlords

Gotham’s landmark climate ordinance targets landlords but may benefit renters.

Why Historic Landmarks Need Protection from Climate Change

Why Historic Landmarks Need Protection from Climate Change

Scholar argues that historic landmark preservation law must address the impact of climate change.

A Case for Mandatory Voting

A Case for Mandatory Voting

Scholars argue that civic duty voting could revive American democracy.

Lost in Translation in Immigration Detention

Lost in Translation in Immigration Detention

Scholars analyze linguistic and cultural barriers asylum-seekers face in the credible fear interview process.