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Improving Agency Litigation Webpages

Improving Agency Litigation Webpages

A new ACUS recommendation emphasizes how agencies can increase public access to litigation information.

Addressing Big Tech’s Power Over Speech

Addressing Big Tech’s Power Over Speech

Antitrust has a role in addressing the considerable power social media companies possess over speech.

Improving Models for Agency Appellate Review

Improving Models for Agency Appellate Review

An ACUS study examines how agency review models differ across agencies.

Dollar Signs in Uniform

Dollar Signs in Uniform

For-profit colleges target U.S. veterans as a source of federal funds.

Rules for the Rule-Makers

Rules for the Rule-Makers

ACUS releases a recommendation for how agencies should regulate their rulemaking procedures.

Reining in Immigration Adjudicators

Reining in Immigration Adjudicators

Two scholars argue that immigration adjudication should no longer be afforded Chevron deference.

Rethinking Discretionary Bid Protests

Rethinking Discretionary Bid Protests

Bid challenges are effective management tools, not just administrative attacks.

Macaroni and Cheese with a Side of Regulation

Macaroni and Cheese with a Side of Regulation

FDA faces mounting pressure from advocacy groups claiming a high chemical content in macaroni and cheese.

Using Artificial Intelligence in Administrative Agencies

Using Artificial Intelligence in Administrative Agencies

ACUS issues a statement to help agencies make more informed decisions about artificial intelligence.

Calling It Quits on Oil and Gas Leases

Calling It Quits on Oil and Gas Leases

Scholars argue that the Interior Secretary has authority to terminate fossil fuel leases on public lands.

Publication of Policies Governing Agency Adjudicators

Publication of Policies Governing Agency Adjudicators

To enhance transparency, agencies should publish information about adjudicators on their websites.

Risk Regulation and Brazil’s Battle Against COVID-19

Risk Regulation and Brazil’s Battle Against COVID-19

Science is vital for effective risk governance but so too is public engagement.