The Trump Administration’s Weaponization of the “Major Questions” Doctrine
Deregulatory attacks have twisted a legal concept meant only to restrain extraordinary actions.
DeFi, Disintermediation, and the Regulatory Path Ahead
As decentralized finance projects eliminate the need for financial intermediaries, regulators may need to fundamentally rethink their approach.
Restoring Trust in the Media
Scholar argues for increased regulation of news media to promote fairness and objectivity.
Financial Regulation for the Digital Age
Financial regulators must adopt new strategies to keep up with changing technology.
The Mess of Meth Lab Cleanups
Regulations on decontaminating former meth labs vary across federal and state governments.
FinCEN as the Chief Innovation Agency
As fintech grows, FinCEN is uniquely positioned to regulate these emerging financial services.
Why the Arkansas Ban on Medical Care for Transgender Kids Is Unconstitutional
The recently enacted medical ban targets transgender kids and violates the Equal Protection Clause.
Disintermediation and Decentralization in Financial Markets
Fintech promises to decentralize and democratize financial markets, but consumer protection and regulation are still needed.
Does Cosmetics Regulation Need a Makeover?
Scholars reflect on the need for stronger regulatory oversight of cosmetics in the United States.
Another Federal Name, Image, and Likeness Proposal
Endorsement money may soon become legal for college athletes.