Supreme Court To Hear Case Endangering the Chevron Doctrine
A dispute over fishery regulation could deliver a blow to a key doctrine calling for deference to administrative agencies.
Threats to Administrative Competence
Civil servants report that the Trump Administration posed an existential threat to expertise in the federal bureaucracy.
Agency Enforcement Manuals
Agencies can increase fairness by better maintaining their enforcement manuals.
Public Availability of Agency Settlement Agreements
ACUS provides recommendations to promote online disclosure of agency settlements of enforcement actions.
Precedent in Agency Adjudication
Agencies should use ACUS’s recommendation to develop transparent approaches to precedent.
Improving and Disclosing Agency Decisions
ACUS issues three recommendations to improve agency decision-making and enhance governmental transparency.
Should USDA Regulate Lab-Grown Meat?
Scholar argues that FDA should be the sole regulator of cell-cultured meat.
The New Vision in Biden’s New Regulatory Order
The Biden Administration reimagines the federal government’s regulatory framework.
Modernizing Regulatory Review
Recent Biden Administration reforms will better prepare the regulatory system to meet society’s challenges.
Analyzing Regulatory Diffusion
Scholars find that reuse of regulatory language has increased over the past 20 years.
Agile Regulation and the Future of Governance
Penn Program on Regulation hosts panel discussion on governing a fast-changing world.