Rapid Responses to Major Questions
Scholar proposes a new fast-track legislative procedure to affirm agency regulatory authority.
Outcome-Based Cooperative Regulation
The key to improving regulation rests with strengthening its capacity to reinforce productive cooperation.
The Adjudicatory Capacity to Make Decisions
Scholar suggests that increasing the number of support staff would improve the accuracy of administrative adjudication.
What is the Future of Regulatory Policy?
The OECD’s latest Regulatory Policy Outlook is the most forward-looking yet.
A Regulatory Reboot Cannot Neglect Artificial Intelligence
The OECD should offer recommendations on the full potential and risks of artificial intelligence in rulemaking.
Implementing Risk-Based Regulation
Countries should implement risk-based approaches to regulatory management and decision-making.
Building Independent and Accountable Regulators
OECD data shed light on the governance of economic regulators.
Rethinking Rulemaking Through International Cooperation
Domestic regulators should import international considerations into their rulemaking.
Regulatory Oversight for Better Regulation
Empowering regulatory oversight bodies can help countries develop regulation that is fit for the future.
Is it Kosher for California to Ban Out-of-State Pork?
The U.S. Supreme Court faces choices in deciding a case pivotal to state regulation and interstate commerce.
Better Regulations for Better Lives
The OECD’s latest Regulatory Policy Outlook shows how regulators worldwide can regulate more effectively.
Guidance for Regulators on the Major Questions Doctrine
To avoid potential legal challenges, agencies should take even more care in their regulatory planning, review, and communication.