Refocusing Deportation Law
Scholar argues that prioritizing noncitizens convicted of crimes for deportation is unjustified.
Improving Regulatory Prediction
Scholars discuss how policymakers can help businesses predict future government action.
Reflections of an Unapologetic Safety Regulator
Leading U.S. consumer safety regulator reflects on his career and offers lessons for all regulatory professionals.
The Key to Rent Control
Scholars engage the ongoing debate on rent control regulation amid a global spike in housing costs.
Auditor Highlights Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Failure
A Government Accountability Office report finds that deregulatory executive orders had limited effects.
Can Courts Stop Hearing Processes Where the Agency Always Wins?
The Supreme Court will hear an important challenge to agency decision-making.
Walmart Threads the Needle on Separation-of-Powers Remedies
Walmart challenges the constitutionality of the FTC’s power to seek monetary or injunctive relief.
Another Round of Speculation about Chevron?
An upcoming SCOTUS case provides an opening for greater dispute over the power of regulatory agencies.
Justice Department Aims to Bust Ghost Guns
The Justice Department issued a new final rule regulating guns that can be assembled at home.
Administrative Barriers to Decarceration
Scholars discuss how administrative failures block incarcerated people from accessing relief.
Analyzing Language to Identify Stakeholders
Using artificial intelligence in public consultation processes could enhance participation in rulemaking.
Contractors in Rulemaking
Guidance from ACUS seeks to help agencies craft policies guiding their use of contractors in the rulemaking process.