
Putting the U.S. Administrative Procedure Act in Perspective

Putting the U.S. Administrative Procedure Act in Perspective

Efforts to modernize the APA should be approached with caution.

Perils of Comparative Administrative Law

Perils of Comparative Administrative Law

Textualism represents a dangerous temptation for comparative analysis of administrative procedure.

Administrative Procedure Acts in Latin America

Administrative Procedure Acts in Latin America

Administrative law faces unique challenges in Latin American “paper leviathans.”

Policymaking Accountability and the Emerging Authoritarian State

Policymaking Accountability and the Emerging Authoritarian State

Changing norms about administrative appointments raise concerns about procedural fairness and accountability.

Policymaking Accountability in Nation States and International Bodies

Policymaking Accountability in Nation States and International Bodies

Robust efforts to include the public in rulemaking are key to increasing democratic accountability.

Administrative Procedure in Europe

Administrative Procedure in Europe

Comparative law scholars uncover similarities and differences in administrative procedure across Europe.

Administrative Law in Comparative Perspective

Administrative Law in Comparative Perspective

Around the world, administrative law promises to promote effective and legitimate government.

Refocusing Deportation Law

Refocusing Deportation Law

Scholar argues that prioritizing noncitizens convicted of crimes for deportation is unjustified.

Improving Regulatory Prediction

Improving Regulatory Prediction

Scholars discuss how policymakers can help businesses predict future government action.

Reflections of an Unapologetic Safety Regulator

Reflections of an Unapologetic Safety Regulator

Leading U.S. consumer safety regulator reflects on his career and offers lessons for all regulatory professionals.

The Key to Rent Control

The Key to Rent Control

Scholars engage the ongoing debate on rent control regulation amid a global spike in housing costs.

Auditor Highlights Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Failure

Auditor Highlights Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Failure

A Government Accountability Office report finds that deregulatory executive orders had limited effects.