A Fuller Picture of the Trump Administration’s Regulatory Agenda
President Trump’s deregulatory agenda may have lasting effects beyond the term of his presidency.
Debating the Repercussions of Trump’s Deregulatory Agenda
Analysts debate the possible future ramifications of the Trump Administration’s deregulatory efforts.
OIRA and the Future of Cost-Benefit Analysis
The Trump Administration’s dismissiveness toward regulatory analysis reveals a need for institutional reform.
Calls for Regulatory Approval of Edible Insects
Edible insects may become essential in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, but FDA regulation is lacking.
Florida’s Unemployment Insurance System Breaks Down Under COVID-19
Unemployed Floridians could lose weeks’ worth of jobless benefits they would otherwise be due.
The Supreme Court’s Doublethink on Arbitration and Administration
Conservative justices embrace delegation to arbitration panels while questioning administrative process.
Cost-Benefit Analysis Supports Continuing the National Shutdown
The lives saved by four more weeks of social distancing requirements outweigh the harms to the economy.
Voting Amid a Pandemic
As COVID-19 persists, governments must decide whether, when, where, and how to hold elections.
COVID-19 and the Defense Production Act
A 70-year old law could help in the battle against the coronavirus outbreak.
Moving Toward Comprehensibility in the Legal System
We need to extend and expand an overdue conversation about clarity in the U.S. legal system.
The Elusive Pursuit of Comprehensibility
Simplified communication may not fix incomprehensible disclosures.
Machine Learning Could Make Government More Incomprehensible
Misaligned incentives can encourage incomprehensibility.