Five Recommendations for Improving Administrative Government
Scholars and officials highlight recent recommendations for improving regulatory and administrative processes.
Core Principles for Getting Financial Reform Right
The Treasury Department should follow key principles in conducting its review of regulations.
A Recipe for Improving Regulatory Analysis
President Trump’s first year in office prompts four steps for reform.
Finding a Path Back to Democratic Governance
Eliminating the primary and caucus rules would create a more productive and responsive democracy.
Holding Congress Accountable
A New Deal-era proposal would produce more effective, less burdensome regulation.
Guidance and the Congressional Review Act
Congress faces issues in attempting to apply regulation-removing law to agency guidance.
Chevron and Net Neutrality at the FCC
Net neutrality has “bounced” from regulation to repeal under an often-used administrative law doctrine.
Republicans Discover the Mythical Basis for Regulatory Reform
Deregulatory difficulties will reveal that rulemaking and judicial review are stringent enough without reform.
Let’s Be Real About Trump’s First Year in Regulation
Claims that the Trump Administration has radically reduced regulation are simply not true.
What A Difference A Year Makes
Americans should applaud President Trump for rolling back Obama Administration overreach.
Regulation in the Trump Administration’s First Year
Officials and scholars evaluate major developments one year after the President’s Inauguration.
Creating Trusted Regulatory Policy
Citizens are more likely to comply with regulations that they perceive as enacted through a fair process.