Regulatory Essay Competition Winners
The Regulatory Review celebrates winners of innovative essay contest conducted by Penn Law Professor Sophia Lee in her administrative law class.
The Role of Permits in the Regulatory State
General permits play an increasingly important role in implementing regulation.
Rethinking Disclosure in the Wake of McCutcheon v. FEC
The FEC’s data system must be improved if campaign finance disclosure is to work.
Two Cheers for Recess Appointments
The Supreme Court lets the president down easy in NLRB v. Noel Canning.
Why Arizona Should Lift its Regulatory Moratorium
Arizona should end its five-year moratorium on new regulations.
Do Regulators Listen to the Public?
New study suggests agencies primarily listen to industry insiders in finalizing rules.
Enforcement and Regulatory Governance
Environmental regulators need to take a more holistic approach to improve compliance.
Federal Agency Recommends Improvements in Government Transparency
Latest ACUS recommendations seek to promote a more open and efficient government.
The Administrative State and the Optimal Abuse of Power
A state built to prevent all abuses of power would perform poorly.
Can Moneyball Make States Better Regulators?
Scholars say state and local regulators should embrace the federal model of cost-benefit analysis.
An Independent Commission Should Suggest, Not Determine, Rule Rescissions
Proposed regulatory review commissions would circumvent procedural safeguards.
The Real “Tsunami” in Federal Regulatory Policy
New lookback programs impede public safeguards rather than improve the regulatory system.