Does Mobile Roaming Regulation Violate the GATS?
Potential WTO violations from international mobile roaming regulation, says recent article.
State Powers Remain Vital After the ACA Decision
State governments still have great power to negotiate favorable outcomes.
Regulatory Cooperation in the TTIP
Coordination between the U.S. and the EU can foster better trade and improved outcomes.
Recommendations for Improving Informal Rulemaking
ACUS recommends ways to implement an administrative record in informal rulemaking.
Bill Moves Forward to Amend the Regulatory Process
Debate ensues over the proposed Regulatory Accountability Act.
Can Agencies Legally Use Social Media for Rulemaking?
ACUS draft report analyzes legal obstacles for using social media in rulemaking.
Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Tool for Good Governance in Financial Regulation
Effective evaluation helps to guard against regulatory capture.
States Incorporate Changing Federal Regulation for Car Seats
New dataset explores relationship between state and federal child restraint laws.
Debate Ensues Over Congressional Control of Agency Rulemaking
Scholars debate the constitutionality–and wisdom–of the REINS Act.