
Agencies May Differ from their Expert Scientific Panels

Agencies May Differ from their Expert Scientific Panels

D.C. Circuit’s decision on ozone regulation has implications for science and policy in agencies.

Week in Review

Week in Review

FDA seeks comment on menthol cigarettes, Senate passes student loan bill, and more…

The Regulatory Review Announces 2013-14 Editorial Board

The Regulatory Review Announces 2013-14 Editorial Board

Incoming Board plans to spread the reach of RegBlog’s mix of regulatory news, analysis, and opinion.

Understanding Irredeemably Inefficient Acts

Understanding Irredeemably Inefficient Acts

Exploring the real costs of intentional, non-consensual transfers of money.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Senate confirms CFPB head, Texas governor signs abortion bill, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

Council designates companies as potential threats to financial stability, SEC allows hedge fund advertising, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

Administration accommodates religious groups, Treasury announces delay of employer mandates, and more.

What Should the New OIRA Administrator Do?

What Should the New OIRA Administrator Do?

Now that Howard Shelanski is confirmed, he faces choices about his priorities.

Regulating by Reference

Regulating by Reference

The Regulatory Review features an examination of “incorporation by reference” by legal experts on regulation and administrative law.

Debate over OIRA’s Virtues and Vices Continues

Debate over OIRA’s Virtues and Vices Continues

Cass Sunstein and Lisa Heinzerling debate what really happens in OIRA.

Defining Government Failure

Defining Government Failure

Ideological presumptions should not obscure key elements of “government failure.”

Senators Question President’s Pick for OIRA Administrator

Senators Question President’s Pick for OIRA Administrator

Howard Shelanski questioned on delays, retrospective review, and role for cost-benefit analysis.