President Obama’s Budget Sets Regulatory Priorities Too
The proposed budget identifies the administration’s regulatory priorities.
Substance or Politics: What Dictates Obama’s Regulatory Agenda?
Both critics and defenders overstate true role of cost-benefit analysis in rulemaking
What are Regulation’s Effects on Employment?
New Wharton Public Policy Initiative issue brief by Professor Coglianese reviews the evidence.
Happy Birthday, The Regulatory Review!
RegBlog celebrates two years of regulatory news, analysis, and opinion.
Active Choosing versus Default Rules
Cass Sunstein explains why – and when – policymakers should use default rules.
The Paradox of Regulation: What It Can and Cannot Achieve
Regulatory success depends on managing actuarial, socio-cultural, and political risk.
OMB Proposes Guidance to Simplify Federal Grantmaking Process
Guidance seeks to ease regulatory burdens while increasing effectiveness of oversight.
First Principles for Interpreting Regulation
A new framework promises greater coherence in regulatory interpretation.
Trust & Verify: How the CPSC Gets the Information It Needs
Contrary to critics, statute leads to better information for consumer protection.
What the Unified Agenda Tells Us About Regulation’s Impending Burdens
Unified Agenda of new regulations only tells part of the story.
Is Class Action Litigation a Response to Regulatory Capture?
Study finds class action lawsuits to be no more frequent in states with appointed versus elected insurance regulators