Seattle’s New Housing Ordinance Will Give Ex-Offenders a Fair Chance
Local law will prevent landlords from screening tenants based on their criminal history.
The Battle Over the Military’s Transgender Policy Is Far from Over
A federal court temporarily blocks the White House transgender ban, but the need for a watchful eye remains.
Regulating the Family by Regulating Labor
Scholar argues that U.S. labor regulation historically has been grounded in gendered assumptions about families.
Envisioning an Anti-Animal Cruelty Agency
Scholars propose a new federal agency to reduce abuse of agricultural animals.
Trump’s Proposed Transgender Ban Breaks Faith with Service Members
President Trump’s transgender ban for the military is misguided and potentially illegal.
Do Occupational Licenses Exacerbate the Prison-to-Poverty Pipeline?
Expert argues that occupational licensing reform will unlock the economic potential of former prisoners.
Restricting Race-Conscious Redistricting
Two decisions by the Supreme Court impose new limits on racial redistricting.
New York Law Regulates Business Owners’ Speech
Justices unanimously decide that a New York law prohibiting credit card surcharges regulates speech.
Equal Footing as Equal Protection
Supreme Court holds that states cannot adopt rules disfavoring arbitration agreements.
The First Amendment Protects Offensive Trademarks
Supreme Court holds that government cannot discriminate against offensive trademarks.
Warding Off Witch Hunting
As sorcery and witchcraft-related violence increases, states and international actors seek to regulate.