Moving In Without Marriage
Scholars debate the proper status of cohabiting partners under family law.
The Rise of AI and Technology in Immigration Enforcement
Scholars explore how technological advancements impact immigrants’ privacy rights.
Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Benefits Programs
Scholars explore how barriers to public benefits impact noncitizens’ well-being.
Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers
Scholars argue that the best way to improve labor law is to change union election rules.
International Approaches to Surrogacy Regulation
Scholars discuss the interests and priorities motivating global surrogacy regulations.
How the Freedom of Information Act Fails Immigrants
The U.S. government should improve access for noncitizens to evidence in immigration hearings.
The Multibillion-Dollar Legal Theft Industry
Scholars argue that civil forfeiture laws allow the government to deprive people of their property unjustly.
Seeking Better Protection for Unaccompanied Children
Scholars recommend additional policies to protect unaccompanied children from harm and exploitation.
Closing the Criminal Justice System’s Racial Wealth Gap
Report proposes regulatory solutions to redress economic harms faced by individuals with criminal records.
California’s Attempt to Outlaw Caste-Based Discrimination
Existing grounds of anti-discrimination law fail to protect vulnerable groups from bias on the basis of ancestry.
Protecting Seniors from Scams
Scholars discuss how senior citizens should be protected from various forms of elder fraud.