
The Dawn of a New Era for Copyright Online

The Dawn of a New Era for Copyright Online

Recent legislation that targets illegal digital streaming provides a template for digital copyright law.

The Cowboy State Tames Bitcoin’s Regulatory Wild West

The Cowboy State Tames Bitcoin’s Regulatory Wild West

Wyoming’s first cryptocurrency bank may herald a new era of U.S. cryptocurrency regulation.

Finding Common Rules to Wrangle Big Data

Finding Common Rules to Wrangle Big Data

Scholar argues for unified rules of data governance to achieve fairness, efficiency, and stability.

Reconsidering the Internet’s Liability Shield

Reconsidering the Internet’s Liability Shield

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act faces criticism from across the political spectrum.

Google’s Break

Google’s Break

In one of the biggest antitrust cases in a generation, the Justice Department opted for a narrow claim.

Antitrust Remedies for Big Tech

Antitrust Remedies for Big Tech

Courts should impose antitrust remedies consistent with underlying principles of market competition.

Social Media’s Cybersecurity Shortcomings

Social Media’s Cybersecurity Shortcomings

State financial regulator argues that social media companies need a dedicated monitor.

Can Robocalls Be Stopped?

Can Robocalls Be Stopped?

Scholars propose solutions to endless robocalling.

Regulating the Food Supply Chain Through Blockchain

Regulating the Food Supply Chain Through Blockchain

Blockchain technology could help the international fight against food product fraud.

Can the California Consumer Privacy Act Curb Big Tech?

Can the California Consumer Privacy Act Curb Big Tech?

Scholar argues that a landmark data privacy law obscures the problem it seeks to solve.

Encouraging Efficient Errors in AI Technologies

Encouraging Efficient Errors in AI Technologies

Current tort law regimes fail to address nuances of AI innovation and consumer harms.

The Biden Administration Should Abandon the Case Against Google

The Biden Administration Should Abandon the Case Against Google

Government antitrust actions do not work in a high-technology market in which big businesses prove more efficient.