Preventing the Sharing Economy From Abusing Your Data
Scholars argue that consumer protection law can address sharing economy firms’ potential to abuse information.
A New Standard of Data Protection
Companies gear up to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.
Marketcraft and the Digital Economy
Information technology has disrupted regulatory regimes and recast policy debates.
Federal Appeals Court Calls Off Agency’s Robocall Ruling
The D.C. Circuit strikes down some of the FCC’s restrictions on automated calls.
The Internet Can Survive Without Net Neutrality
Recent paper argues that antitrust law could effectively protect Internet value in the absence of net neutrality rules.
Innovation as a Challenge to Regulation
Regulation can accommodate innovation while promoting broader social goals.
Addressing the Dangers of Partially Driverless Cars
Scholar analyzes and suggests regulations for semi-autonomous vehicles.
The Brave New World of Bitcoin
South Korea takes steps to regulate cryptocurrency amid speculation concerns.
All Hands on Deck for Cybercrime Regulation
Scholar analyzes how traditional police regulation must change in the face of cybercrime.
Improving the Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnership
State-sponsored cyber attacks may require revamping how the government helps companies fight back.
The FTC and Net Neutrality’s Plan B
Would the FTC be an effective body for regulating Internet openness?
Artificial Intelligence and the Administrative State
No rubric exists to decide how to navigate the use of automation in the administrative state, but society can make informed choices.