
FCC Considers Regulating Interstate Inmate Calling Service

FCC Considers Regulating Interstate Inmate Calling Service

FCC seeks public comment as it considers new regulations.

Court Approves Google’s Privacy Settlement

Court Approves Google’s Privacy Settlement

Federal judge approves FTC’s action over Google’s Safari practices.

Protecting Privacy in DNA Sequencing

Protecting Privacy in DNA Sequencing

President’s Bioethics Commission recommends self-regulation and government oversight.

FOIA Requests Go Online

FOIA Requests Go Online

New portal promises improved public access to government information.

Better Informing the Net Neutrality Debate

Better Informing the Net Neutrality Debate

Penn Law Professor argues for “network diversity” rather than “network neutrality.”

Smartphone Patent Wars: The Role for Import Bans

Smartphone Patent Wars: The Role for Import Bans

Congress holds hearings on the role of import bans in licensing of standard essential patents.

FCC Seeks Comments on Proposed Rule for Public Safety Do-Not-Call List

FCC Seeks Comments on Proposed Rule for Public Safety Do-Not-Call List

The FCC seeks input on how to manage and enforce a Do-Not-Call Registry for emergency service lines.

New Tool Promises to Make Federal Regulations Easier to Find

New Tool Promises to Make Federal Regulations Easier to Find

Partnership attempts to simplify searching for regulations.

Senate Hears Testimony on a Potential Helium Crisis

Senate Hears Testimony on a Potential Helium Crisis

Witnesses urge Congress to act or face a helium shortage.

The Value of Increasing Unlicensed Spectrum

The Value of Increasing Unlicensed Spectrum

Increasing unlicensed spectrum could increase social welfare.

Coalition Calls for Increased Oversight of Synthetic Biology

Coalition Calls for Increased Oversight of Synthetic Biology

Advocacy groups say current regulation of synthetic biology offers inadequate public protection.

Patents, Patients, and Profits: Winners and Losers in Drug Patent Challenges

Patents, Patients, and Profits: Winners and Losers in Drug Patent Challenges

Challenges to branded drugs from generic firms have benefits and costs.