Is It time to Shutter a Reagan-Era Broadband Program?
Scholar argues the FCC’s Lifeline telecommunications subsidy program is no longer needed.
Equitable Artificial Intelligence
Experts recommend a two-pronged approach to help ensure artificial intelligence systems achieve equity.
Going for Broke on TikTok
Scholars posit that analyzing TikTok content can help regulators monitor trends in online consumer finance.
Fighting Discrimination from Unfair Algorithms
By taking enforcement actions, the Federal Trade Commission can set standards for algorithmic fairness and nondiscrimination.
Punting Social Media Company Liability to Congress
The Supreme Court affirms social media companies’ business models, dodging for now the issue of liability for harmful speech.
AI and the Antitrust Regulator
Antitrust regulators can improve their performance by relying on responsible use of artificial intelligence tools.
A New Regulatory Approach to Facial Recognition
Scholar argues that right-of-publicity claims can protect individuals from facial recognition companies.
A New Balance Between Health Care Privacy and Artificial Intelligence
A scholar highlights problematic ways that artificial intelligence and health privacy interact.
The Regulatory Triumph of Wi-Fi
Scholar argues that the FCC deserves more credit for the rise of Wi-Fi.
Combatting Discrimination in Algorithmic Hiring
Scholar proposes mandatory self-audits and certification of employers’ hiring algorithms.
Is the Artificial Intelligence Act Trustworthy?
Scholars argue that the European Union’s proposed legislation will be inadequate to develop trust in AI.
Clamping Down on Commercial Spyware
Biden Administration issues executive order prohibiting federal contracts with spyware firms.