
With Its Student Loan Decision, the Court Again Limits Agency Authority

With Its Student Loan Decision, the Court Again Limits Agency Authority

In Biden v. Nebraska, the Supreme Court again asserts its own authority to make society’s most important policy choices.

Standing and Vacatur in U.S v. Texas

Standing and Vacatur in U.S v. Texas

The U.S. Supreme Court holds that states lack standing to challenge immigration prioritization guidelines.

Constitutional Challenges to Agency Adjudication

Constitutional Challenges to Agency Adjudication

The Supreme Court grants district-court jurisdiction in an opinion hampering agencies’ adjudicatory authority.

Regulatory Reform Through an Equity Lens

Regulatory Reform Through an Equity Lens

John D. Graham discusses reforming the regulatory process to prioritize equity.

For Now, Court Is Cool with California in Charge

For Now, Court Is Cool with California in Charge

The Supreme Court narrowly rejects a Dormant Commerce Clause challenge to a California pork law.

The Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Regulatory Term

The Supreme Court’s 2022-2023 Regulatory Term

Legal scholars discuss the Court’s most significant regulatory decisions of the last term.

The Changing State of Administrative Law

The Changing State of Administrative Law

Sally Katzen, former OIRA Administrator, comments on recent Supreme Court changes to administrative law.

Supreme Court To Hear Case Endangering the Chevron Doctrine

Supreme Court To Hear Case Endangering the Chevron Doctrine

A dispute over fishery regulation could deliver a blow to a key doctrine calling for deference to administrative agencies.

Chevron’s Watery Grave?

Chevron’s Watery Grave?

A fight over fishery regulations could spell trouble for Chevron deference.

Threats to Administrative Competence

Threats to Administrative Competence

Civil servants report that the Trump Administration posed an existential threat to expertise in the federal bureaucracy.

Agency Enforcement Manuals

Agency Enforcement Manuals

Agencies can increase fairness by better maintaining their enforcement manuals.

Public Availability of Agency Settlement Agreements

Public Availability of Agency Settlement Agreements

ACUS provides recommendations to promote online disclosure of agency settlements of enforcement actions.