
Evaluating the Grand Bargain

Evaluating the Grand Bargain

Triaging serious cases and simplifying criminal procedure could raise significant risks.

Misdemeanor Cases Need Lawyers Too

Misdemeanor Cases Need Lawyers Too

Barton and Bibas’s suggestions about misdemeanor would increase charges and harm defendants.

Reforming Criminal Justice by Reforming Lawyers

Reforming Criminal Justice by Reforming Lawyers

Revamping the regulation of legal services might be a first step toward overhauling criminal justice.

Preventing Error Requires Not Just More Resources, But Better Incentives Too

Preventing Error Requires Not Just More Resources, But Better Incentives Too

Improving legal representation in criminal cases requires focusing on prosecutors as well as defenders.

Rebooting Justice for Inmate Litigants

Rebooting Justice for Inmate Litigants

Suggested legal system reform could help inmates pursue civil rights claims.

A Simpler and Less Adversarial System Would Be More Just

A Simpler and Less Adversarial System Would Be More Just

Improving the justice system requires more than just using technology and relaxing requirements for lawyers.

Enduring Principles of Sound Regulatory Analysis

Enduring Principles of Sound Regulatory Analysis

The economic foundations of Executive Order 12,866 underscore its continued importance in regulatory review.

The Legal System and Its Reform

The Legal System and Its Reform

Barton and Bibas argue for significant changes to improve justice in the legal system.

How Often Does the Supreme Court Actually Apply Chevron?

How Often Does the Supreme Court Actually Apply Chevron?

The Court applies the Chevron test more often than one influential study suggests.

Simpler Justice

Simpler Justice

The justice system needs to become faster, cheaper, and better for the poor and the middle class.

Revamping the American Justice System

Revamping the American Justice System

Leading scholars and practitioners comment on a recent book that argues for a simpler, more streamlined legal system.

Proposed Joint-Employer Rule May Restrict Workers’ Bargaining Power

Proposed Joint-Employer Rule May Restrict Workers’ Bargaining Power

Federal labor agency proposes a new rule to end confusion over the joint-employer standard.