
Chevron and Net Neutrality at the FCC

Chevron and Net Neutrality at the FCC

Net neutrality has “bounced” from regulation to repeal under an often-used administrative law doctrine.

Whistleblowing Is a Key Regulatory Tool

Whistleblowing Is a Key Regulatory Tool

Whistleblowing incentives are crucial to agency enforcement.

What A Difference A Year Makes

What A Difference A Year Makes

Americans should applaud President Trump for rolling back Obama Administration overreach.

Creating Trusted Regulatory Policy

Creating Trusted Regulatory Policy

Citizens are more likely to comply with regulations that they perceive as enacted through a fair process.

Tax Overhaul Process Retreated from Democracy

Tax Overhaul Process Retreated from Democracy

Recent legislative process that led to tax changes fell short in terms of key principles of democracy.

Information-Based Regulation and the Search for Amazon’s Second Headquarters

Information-Based Regulation and the Search for Amazon’s Second Headquarters

Rankings for company’s new headquarters offer cautionary lessons about using rankings as regulatory tools.

The Sunshine Act and Transparency at the FCC

The Sunshine Act and Transparency at the FCC

New practice of releasing drafts of proposed actions enhances the public’s understanding of agency actions.

Trump’s Red Tape Rollback

Trump’s Red Tape Rollback

The Trump Administration’s regulatory rollback highlights the opportunities and obstacles that lie ahead.

Improve Regulation, Do Not Repeal It

Improve Regulation, Do Not Repeal It

The deregulatory agenda should be replaced with a regulatory improvement agenda.

Scrutinizing Deference to Administrative Agencies

Scrutinizing Deference to Administrative Agencies

Scholar evaluates arguments for scaling back deference doctrines in light of renewed interest in reform.

On the Pitfalls of Performance Standards

On the Pitfalls of Performance Standards

Governments need to consider the limitations of performance standards when choosing regulatory strategies.

Revisiting Deference to Agencies in Criminal Deportation Cases

Revisiting Deference to Agencies in Criminal Deportation Cases

Scholar argues against using agency interpretations of immigration law in criminal deportation cases.