OMB’s Resource Management Offices and Agency Policy Control
Now is a good time to focus on the opportunities for the centralized control of the administrative state that the RMOs provide.
New Regulatory Incentives to Help Small Businesses
A Small Business Administration rule would increase the availability of contracts for small businesses.
How Should We Measure Terrorism Risk?
A recent PPR seminar discussed changes in how our government analyzes terrorism risks.
Teaching Regulatory Law Through Online Publishing
Students who participate in RegBlog gain in-depth knowledge about regulation and hone vital professional skills.
Rethinking the Compliance Curriculum
Compliance classes should differ depending on students’ career paths and types of risks the class addresses.
A Different Approach to Teaching Regulatory Law and Policy
Addressing how policy and law influence regulation is a critical—and overlooked—part of regulatory curriculum.
On Teaching Compliance
Compliance should be incorporated into administrative law as well as offered as a separate upper-class course.
Designing a Broader Regulatory Practice Curriculum
Law schools need to create a comprehensive curricular path for students who are pursuing regulatory careers.
Innovations in Teaching Regulatory Law
Legal scholars present new ways to teach students regulatory law against the backdrop of an expanding regulatory state.
Should Administrative Agencies Adopt Class Action Procedures?
Responding to significant agency backlogs, a new report recommends class action-type procedures.
Legal Adaptive Capacity and How Agencies Respond to Change
The adaptability of the goals pursued in an agency’s organic statute influences the agency’s response to climate change.
Dispatches from the DNC – Day 4 Recap
Hillary Clinton accepts her party’s nomination with an inclusive appeal