New “Sue-and-Settle” Bill is Much Ado About Nothing
Proposed legislation seeking to curb collusive deadline suits misunderstands the administrative process.
The Regulatory Reform Debate Needs a Wider Lens
The U.S. does not regulate more than its international peers, but could still learn much from them about regulatory management.
Evaluating Regulations after the Fact
ACUS calls for incorporation of retrospective analysis into the regulatory process.
How the U.S. Government Can Better Promote “Anchor” Institutions
New report proposes ways that the federal government can help encourage anchor institutions to revitalize communities.
Public Access to the Law Must Be Taken More Seriously
The Office of the Federal Register has missed an opportunity to ensure meaningful public access to over 9,000 government regulations.
New Rules on Incorporated Standards Encourage Necessary Public-Private Collaboration
Incremental steps balancing open government with private copyright strike the right chord.
We Decline to Define ‘Reasonably Available’
The new amendment to incorporation by reference rules leaves important issues unaddressed.
Incorporating Private Standards into Public Regulations
Commentators assess final rule on how agencies incorporate private standards into public regulations.
A New Year of Checks and Balances
The new year will see renewed and profound controversy between the branches of the federal government.
Satisfaction Is Not the Same as Policy Success
Making decisions that satisfy those involved in regulatory policy-making does not guarantee successful outcomes.
Federal Advisory Board Seeks Comment on Public-Private Partnership Disclosure
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board says public-private partnerships need targeted disclosure.
What Is the Ideal Cost-Benefit Analysis?
Two researchers propose a simpler way to perform cost-benefit analysis.