Achieving Procedural Fairness in Black Lung Benefits Hearings
Black lung disease is increasing, but fewer miners can successfully claim benefits.
Regulating the Settler-in-Chief
When it comes to brokering settlements, presidential power may need to be regulated.
It’s Time to Make Rulemaking Really Transparent on Agency Websites
Regulatory agencies should do more to make information about proposed rules more accessible.
Two Cheers for Industry Self-Governance
Better analysis can reveal the conditions under which self-regulation works well for society.
A Libertarian Bias in the D.C. Circuit’s Administrative Law
Scholars say the Supreme Court should rebuke the lower court’s ideologically influenced decisions.
A More Sensible Approach to Vesting Jurisdiction for Judicial Review of Agency Decisions
A clearer framework is needed to address jurisdiction questions in legal actions against agencies.
Freedom of Information Act Report Cards
Center for Effective Government gives several major agencies failing grades for transparency.
Regulatory Essay Competition Winners
The Regulatory Review celebrates winners of innovative essay contest conducted by Penn Law Professor Sophia Lee in her administrative law class.
The Role of Permits in the Regulatory State
General permits play an increasingly important role in implementing regulation.
Rethinking Disclosure in the Wake of McCutcheon v. FEC
The FEC’s data system must be improved if campaign finance disclosure is to work.
Two Cheers for Recess Appointments
The Supreme Court lets the president down easy in NLRB v. Noel Canning.
Why Arizona Should Lift its Regulatory Moratorium
Arizona should end its five-year moratorium on new regulations.